Local Heroes Awards 2025 Nomination Form

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In partnership with the Australian Services Union, the Vision Super Local Heroes Awards recognise local government employees who go above and beyond for their community. Nominations are open to all local government workers in Victoria, including employees of associated organisations operated by the council, and local libraries. Nominations may be made on behalf of others or self-nominated.


If you need any help or require further information, please email [email protected].

Video submissions

This year, we are trialling the option to submit a video entry in place of a written nomination. In your video, you only need to answer, ‘why is the nominee a local hero?’ – you can just put N/A in the text box above, but please fill out the rest of the form.

Videos should be a maximum of five minutes in length and address the same points as outlined for a written nomination. Videos are not compulsory – it is up to you whether you want to submit your nomination as a video or in writing.

There are several ways you can share your video:

We recommend uploading your video to a video hosting platform like YouTube or Vimeo and including the link in the text box above. While the video is uploading, you can set the privacy settings to "Unlisted" so only those with the link can view the video. Alternatively, you can email an MP4 file to [email protected] via Dropbox, Google Drive, WeTransfer or other appropriate platform.

When do nominations close?

You can nominate an individual or group by filling in a nomination form online. Nominations close on Friday 04 April 2025.

What do I include?

You'll need some contact details to complete your nomination, so make sure you have these ready. The form asks for contact details for: you, the nominee/s, and the employer.

What are the terms and conditions?

You can find the Terms and Conditions for the Vision Super Local Heroes Awards here